aws managed grafana 503 no healthy upstream


My grafana workspace url is https://g-******

and I get response "no healthy upstream" with HTTP status code 503 when opening this url with my browser. I asked my friend to open it from another country, but he got the same problem.

demandé il y a 5 mois473 vues
2 réponses


Can you update your question to detail a bit what kind of services you're trying to monitor with this Grafana ? "no healthy upstream" is often related to the systems being monitored by Grafana.



profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 5 mois
  • I have two datasources: postgresql and prometheus. However, I cannot open this workspace url with my browser, and this should not be related to my data sources. If my data sources have any problems, I should be able to log in the grafana website and see broken dashboards. However, when I open the workspace url, only 503 error is returned, and there is no login page anymore. I found this issue yesterday, and I didn't do anything with my aws account yesterday.


Have you reviewed this article to see if it resolves your issue?

profile picture
répondu il y a 5 mois
  • This article doesn't resolve my issue. I cannot open my workspace web page: https://g-****** I only get 503 no healthy upstream when accessing my workspace.

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