Quicksight Template Building


Our team is trying to publish an app on AWS Marketplace and the output is a Quicksight Dashboard with data source from S3. Data pipeline which models data resides on a docker container and we would like to add the code for automating the dashboard on the container as well. Are there any resources available to get started on automating the QS dashboard building?

demandé il y a 2 ans271 vues
1 réponse

AWS Marketplace supports different product types. For your question, looks like Container Products with an additional Cloud formation template in AWS Marketplace will work best for your usecase. The cloud formation template can assist in setting up additional resources to automate the QUICKSight dashboard. This blog can help with how to automate data delivery to a QuickSight dashboard. Here is the direct documentation on QuickSight Object in CloudFormation

répondu il y a 2 ans

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