Route 53 private zone not working with lightsail



I created a Route 53 private hosted zone and associated it with both the default VPC and the Lightsail VPC. VPC peering is enabled for both VPCs.

I can connect to a private zone domain from an EC2 instance, but DNS queries fail for the private zone when accessed through Lightsail.

Is this a known limitation where Route 53 private zones do not work with Lightsail?

  • are you able to telnet a port Ec2 instance in other VPC from Lighsail instance, Where the R53 zone created ?

2 réponses


Lightsail's VPC is managed by AWS, so AWS accounts are separate.
To tie a VPC managed by another AWS account to a private host zone, you must follow the steps described in the following document.
However, since Lightsail VPCs are managed by AWS, the "AssociateVPCWithHostedZone" API cannot be used to associate a VPC with a private hosted zone.
In other words, I don't think you can use Route53's private hosted zone with Lightsail.

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No, Route 53 private zones are not inherently incompatible with Lightsail. You should be able to access your private zone domain from Lightsail instances through a peered VPC connection.

Here are some things to check that might be causing the issue:

DNS Resolver Configuration: Ensure the DNS resolver settings on your Lightsail instance are pointing to the Route 53 private hosted zone for the default VPC. Lightsail instances typically use the DNS servers provided by Amazon by default.

Security Groups: Verify that the security groups associated with your Lightsail instance allow inbound traffic on port 53 (DNS) from the default VPC.

Route Table Configuration: Double-check that the route tables in both VPCs have proper routing configured for the private zone domain to be directed to the Route 53 resolvers in the default VPC.

If you've confirmed these settings and the issue persists, consider checking the VPC peering connection status and reviewing the Route 53 private zone logs for any errors.

However Here i provide a documentation link for Working with private hosted zones:

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