FTP - transfer family setup


Hi, I would like to host ftp server using transfer family. Able to create a server and do a test. Now, I am trying to test it from FileZilla. Where do I find the host name?

posta 2 anni fa507 visualizzazioni
1 Risposta

Did you create your AWS Transfer Family server inside a VPC or as a public endpoint? Can you please take a look at one of my recent answers for another customer - https://repost.aws/questions/QU6AqEnaDmSTa5WBBt776d3w/connect-to-an-internal-sftp-server-from-outside-private-vpc-on-prem#ANX7atpx3iSJK6ssIcY4hpUw

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con risposta 2 anni fa
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verificato 2 anni fa

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