Issue with AWS Public API Gateway


I created Public API Gateway for testing. There is an client VM machine which has nginx server. that machine send request to API Gateway. I faced one weird issue as when client nginx machine send request to API gateway , it receives 503 error as response but at same time not able to see any log at API Gateway end through Cloudwatch. But when i directly send request to API Gateway URL from my laptop, it worked fine. If i need to troubleshoot this issue, what will be the steps? If API Gateway is public, is there any way to capture network traffic of API Gateway same like wireshark?

1 Risposta


Can I resolve the name of API Gateway endpoint from VM?
Also, can I access API Gateway from a VM with something like curl commands instead of via Nginx?
Are there any logs output to Nginx access logs, error logs, etc. that can help identify the cause?

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con risposta 5 mesi fa

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