Account details


We have a running main account with where I would like to customize the details like company name, address etc.

Does this have a possible impact on the running services or can I customize this without worrying ?

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2 Risposte

Yes, the change will not affect existing services.

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Changing this info on the account settings page is just an administrative edit (like contact details, company name, address, tax settings, even account name or password...) - these don't have impact on the underlying running services and resources, or the worloads that you have created within the account.

The only admin change that could potentially impact your running services would be... if you changed your payment method in the billing settings in some way, and if you then missed your monthly bill payment, and then left that bill unpaid for over a month, your account could get suspended until you'd pay your bill... in that case you could lose access to your running services, or they could get terminated over time.

Other than that - if you simply made admin changes in your account to update any contact info or similar, that has does not affect your running resources.

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