Aurora cluster endpoints won't resolve


We are using a Aurora Global Database in a few different regions. In one of our regions (Mumbai) our cluster endpoints suddenly stopped resolving, so our EC2's can't connect to it anymore. It's solved by changing the database hostname from to But that is a temporary solution.

Any thoughts on how we can re-activate resolving the cluster endpoints again?

posta 2 anni fa264 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Looks like the accessiblity flag issue. You can check the same via CLI using the describe-db-clusters API and filtering or searching for PubliclyAccessible. Here is an example:

aws rds describe-db-instances --region us-west-2 --output json --query 'DBInstances[?Engine==aurora].{instance:DBInstanceIdentifier, cluster:DBClusterIdentifier, isPublic:PubliclyAccessible }' [ { "instance": "MyInstance_1", "isPublic": true, "cluster": "MyAurora_Wrk-cluster" }, { "instance": "MyInstance_2", "isPublic": false, "cluster": "MyAurora_Wrk-cluster" } ] You modify an instance and enable public access on it using the modify-db-instance API.

con risposta 2 anni fa
  • Our RDS servers are only available from private subnets. So no need for public accessibility.


Last night the same error occurred in an other region (us-west-1). Sounds like a problem that other AWS users should face too?

con risposta 2 anni fa

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