Unexpected Public IPv4 Charges in VPC (2 Instances, 2563 Hours)


I was charged for VPC in February, and its in-use public IPv4 address is 2563 hours. However, I only have two instances—one of which is stopped, and the other is automatically scaled (were only one instance running at a time)—so why is the 2563-hour in-use public IPv4 address?

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已提問 3 個月前檢視次數 271 次
1 個回答

That 2563 hours divided by 696 (29 days * 24 hours) makes about 3.68 public IPs per hour, on average. You said you have had 2 instances, running or stopped, it doesn't matter if they had been stopped or not as long as the public address is attached to it. The additional IPs could be attached to your public ALB that is shown in your bill. Typically you get minimum 2 IPs but could be more if there is significant traffic to ALB.

This should help in keeping track with public IP usage https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/ipam/view-public-ip-insights.html

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已回答 3 個月前
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