Migrated domain to Route53 and changed nameservers to 4 AWS servers now site can't be reached



Any help greatly appreciated with the below:

I recently migrated my domain to Route53 from Uniteddomains.com and set up a hosted zone to route traffic to my Lightsail instance running a Wordpress site. I've changed the nameservers for the registered domain to the 4 AWS nameservers from the hosted zone, now the URL is inaccessible and Chrome returns an error: "This site can’t be reached".

My Lightsail instance has a static IP assigned and the hosted zone is set up to route traffic there. I've tried the DNS propagation checker which shows availability for the SOA record but not the A record. Hopefully this is useful to finding an answer!

Any ideas why the site can't be reached?

Many thanks!

  • Hi.

    Does the A record point to the Lightsail's static IP address in the nslookup / dig command?

  • Hi there, I'm not sure how to check this?

    The A record has the static IP of the Lightsail instance in the column "Value/Divert traffic to".

    The SOA records value is:

    ns-207.awsdns-25.com. awsdns-hostm*ster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400

    and the NS value is the 4 allocated AWS nameservers:

    ns-63.awsdns-07.com ns-1594.awsdns-07.co.uk ns-1099.awsdns-09.org ns-987.awsdns-59.net

    Any ideas what's not right?

  • Did you create the necessary A record in your R53 hosted zone? You can check like this (using correct values for after @ and as the domain name of instance):

    dig @ns-63.awsdns-07.com your-instance-domain-name A
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