Elastic Beanstalk won't deploy due to mismatched artifact names


I have a Code Pipeline set up with Elastic Beanstalk, and I'm expecting it to deploy when I make a code change - I have the repo set up to go to CodeCommit, through CodeBuild, then to EB, but it fails on the deploy action because it can't find the artifact, like so: Pipeline Deploy Failure

When I trace through to try to find out which artifact is being searched for, I see that it's looking for this EGoxXMO object: Missing Artifact

I know that the bucket actually exists because I found the bucket, and a set of artifacts in it (but none of them have the correct name). A new artifact is actually created in this bucket (as far as I can tell by matching timestamps) when I make a code change S3 Bucket

What I did to end up in this spot:

  • Started with the Elastic Beanstalk defaults, with it hooked up to a AWS Code repo
  • Cloned the repo locally
  • Grabbed the default Java Corretto download, unzipped, and moved the files into the cloned environment
  • Added a mostly empty (contains "version 0.2" only) buildspec.yml file (or the codebuild fails)
  • Git commit, Git Push

Not sure if I missed a config step somewhere, but how do I get EB to look at the correct artifact? What's causing EB to look for that one specific artifact?

已提問 1 年前檢視次數 69 次

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