ECS Exit code: 132 on Graviton3


I running my app written in Rust on ECS backed by Graviton3 EC2. It runs as expected.

After my attempt to optimize compilation using processor specific things RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=neoverse-v1 -C target-feature=+sve2,+lse" the app starts even prints some Wellcome output and stops with Exit code: 132.

I started separate EC2 with Graviton3 processor. Installed Docker there and same app with same dokerfile works there like a charm.

Is there som additional tuning required to use +sve2,+lse on ECS?

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This was also asked in, and the answer is for ECS you need to provision your EC2 cluster with this AL2 AMI: amzn2-ami-ecs-kernel-5.10-hvm-2.0.20240409-arm64-ebs to get the proper kernel support for SVE. The default AL2 ECS AMI uses the 4.14 kernel which does not support all the hardware features in Gv3.

respondido hace un mes
  • Yep. It was me there as well :-)

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