ECS Exit code: 132 on Graviton3


I running my app written in Rust on ECS backed by Graviton3 EC2. It runs as expected.

After my attempt to optimize compilation using processor specific things RUSTFLAGS="-C target-cpu=neoverse-v1 -C target-feature=+sve2,+lse" the app starts even prints some Wellcome output and stops with Exit code: 132.

I started separate EC2 with Graviton3 processor. Installed Docker there and same app with same dokerfile works there like a charm.

Is there som additional tuning required to use +sve2,+lse on ECS?

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1 réponse
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This was also asked in, and the answer is for ECS you need to provision your EC2 cluster with this AL2 AMI: amzn2-ami-ecs-kernel-5.10-hvm-2.0.20240409-arm64-ebs to get the proper kernel support for SVE. The default AL2 ECS AMI uses the 4.14 kernel which does not support all the hardware features in Gv3.

répondu il y a un mois
  • Yep. It was me there as well :-)

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