AWS CodeWhisperer console shows an error and does not allow setup


I am trying to set up CodeWhisperer Professional and enable it in the AWS CodeWhisperer console.

When I go to, I get the following error message displayed:

Error Screenshot

I have followed the guide here to set up a CodeWhisperer administrator through IAM Identity Center and tried through this user as well. I have also logged into the console as the root account user but always get the error screen and the button to set up CodeWhisperer never appears, just a spinner. There is no useful information in the error message.

My Control tower and IAM Identity Center are set up in the af-south-1 (Cape Town) region if that is relevent.

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Hi Neal, currently it's not possible to use CodeWhisperer with IAM Identity Center set up in an opt-in region. This is described in the warning in the CodeWhisperer user guide.

af-south-1 (Cape Town) is an opt-in region as described in the AWS documentation here.

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