Elastic beanstalk deploy


Hi I have problem to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk application Yesterday worked good without problems I have problem to deploy with ci/cd and upload standart Enter image description here

asked 2 months ago153 views
1 Answer

Issue seems that you've run out of Elastic IP addresses, which by default are limited to 5 for an account but more can be requested.

In fact, the EB environment is trying to create an EIP for the environment but is failing because the EIP limit has been reached. For certain update types such as Immutable updates, additional resources would have to be launched such as an Autoscaling group and EIP. However, when EB attempted the update the environment it failed because the limit of EIPs had been reached. See Immutable environment updates for additional info.

To fix this issue, please Request an increase and retry the environment update.

Reference: https://repost.aws/questions/QU6Sb_WyCQSfiANqrGv6tAMQ/the-maximum-number-of-addresses-has-been-reached-while-attempting-to-an-eb-managed-update

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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