Unable to activate codewhisperer for lambda python 3.11


I am able to build a function for activating code whisperer for lambda python 3.11. However when I navigate to the Code Source > Tools dropdown, the only selections available are:

                                                                      Rename Variable
                                                                      Show Environment Variables

There is no " Amazon CodeWhisperer Code Suggestions" target to select.

Any assistance in correcting this problem will be appreciated. Thanks!

asked 7 months ago462 views
1 Answer

Couple of things to be aware of when setting up CodeWhisperer with AWS Lambda:

  1. Only supported in us-east-1 Region.
  2. Only supports functions using Python and Node.js runtimes.
  3. You need to have a role that allows codewhisperer:GenerateRecommendations permission.

For more details, please see the online guide: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codewhisperer/latest/userguide/lambda-setup.html

profile pictureAWS
answered 7 months ago

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