I have made a function for liveness and getResultResponse Status is getting EXPIRED after some time Is there any Solution for this?? Below is my Function mentioned


async function checkLiveness(job) { try { // Create input object console.log("hello job",job) let Videowidth; let Videoheight const { objectKey, bucketName , params} = job.data; const fileBuffer = await s3Service.getFileFromS3(bucketName, objectKey);

    // Convert Buffer to readable stream
    const fileStream = bufferToStream(fileBuffer);

    // Probe video dimensions using ffprobe
    ffmpeg.ffprobe(fileStream, (err, metadata) => {
        if (err) {
            console.error('Error probing video:', err);

        Videowidth = metadata.streams[0].width;
        Videoheight = metadata.streams[0].height;

        console.log('Video dimensions:', Videowidth, 'x', Videoheight);
    const input = {
        Settings: {
            OutputConfig: {
                S3Bucket:bucketName, // Specify your S3 bucket
                S3KeyPrefix: objectKey,
            AuditImagesLimit: 4, // Specify the limit
        ClientRequestToken: Date.now().toString(), // Generate a unique token for each request

    // Create command
    const command = new CreateFaceLivenessSessionCommand(input);
    console.log('command', command)
    const response = await rekognitionClient.send(command);
    console.log("Liveness session created successfully. Session ID:", response.SessionId);

    const rekognitionStreamingClient = new RekognitionStreamingClient(awsConfig);
        const startInput = {
        SessionId: response.SessionId,
        ChallengeVersions: ["1.0", "2.0", "3.0"],
        LivenessRequestStream: { // LivenessRequestStream Union: only one key present
            ClientSessionInformationEvent: { // ClientSessionInformationEvent
            Challenge: { // ClientChallenge Union: only one key present
                FaceMovementAndLightChallenge: { 
                ChallengeId: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 10) + Date.now().toString(36),
                VideoStartTimestamp: Date.now(),
                VideoEndTimestamp: Date.now() + 10000,
                InitialFace: {
                    BoundingBox: {
                    Width: 9.0,
                    Left: 9.0,
                    Top: 9.0, 
                    InitialFaceDetectedTimestamp: Date.now(), // required
                TargetFace: { // TargetFace
                    BoundingBox: {
                    Width: 9.0, // required
                    Height: 9.0, // required
                    Left: 9.0, // required
                    Top: 9.0, // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionStartTimestamp: Date.now(), // required
                    FaceDetectedInTargetPositionEndTimestamp: Date.now() + 5000, // 5 seconds later
                ColorDisplayed: { // ColorDisplayed
                    CurrentColor: { // FreshnessColor
                    RGB: [ // ColorComponentList // required
                        255, // red
                        0, // green
                        0, // blue
                    PreviousColor: {
                    RGB: [ // required
                        0, // red
                        255, // green
                        0, // blue
                    SequenceNumber: 1, // required
                    CurrentColorStartTimestamp: Date.now(), // required
            VideoChunk: fileBuffer,
            TimestampMillis: Date.now(),
    const startResponse = new StartFaceLivenessSessionCommand(startInput);
    console.log("Face liveness session started successfully:========>>>>", startResponse)

    const getResultCommand = new GetFaceLivenessSessionResultsCommand({ SessionId: startInput.SessionId });
    console.log('getResultCommand', getResultCommand);

    let getResultResponse;
    do {
        await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 5000));
        getResultResponse = await rekognitionClient.send(getResultCommand);
        console.log('getResultResponse------------>>>>>>', getResultResponse)
    } while (getResultResponse.Status !== "SUCCEEDED"&& getResultResponse.Status !== 'EXPIRED');
    console.log('getResultResponse------------------->>>>>>', getResultResponse);
} catch (error) {
    console.error("Error creating liveness session:", error);
    throw error;


asked a month ago91 views
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