AWS certification exam accessibility issues



Today I had "Certified AWS Cloud Practitioner" on-line exam. I had many technical issues during the check-in and the exam.

I've setup bigger Windows font size to see text better because I can't see well and have dyslexia. It caused issues when passing my exam on-line:

  • Some web and mobile buttons was hidden at the bottom of the screen and I had to scroll page down to see it. It was not obvious that I need to scroll the page.
  • Chat window had green "Close" button and its text was hidden (if not to scroll page down). I closed chat window by mistake because I thought it's Send button.
  • It was not allowed to take a smartphone during video recording, but it was confusing massage that proctor may call me by my phone number. How could I answer him if I can't take my smartphone or even to leave the place to take it, that is also not allowed.
  • I could not see well the text of the exam questions. I moved my face close to the screen, but proctor said my face should be fully visible in the camera view. I moved backward and hardly could read questions. Ctrl + did not work, I could not increase the font size and proctor could not help me with it. He just closed chat window.
  • I tied to describe these issues in the review section, but time expired and I was disconnected without ability to finish my description.
  • I tried to submit support ticket, but I can't do it for basic AWS subscription I have.
  • I tied to send email, but there is no way to do it either.

Could anybody advice me where I can report these issues? I believe this is discrimination of the people who have special needs like I do. There is even no way to complain about this. That's why I write this post here.

Hope AWS will fix its online certification exam applications to improve its accessibility.

asked 3 months ago93 views
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