Cannot change Windows Server EC2 instance type from t3.2xlarge to t3.xlarge


Hi all!

We have a t3.2xlarge EC2 instance running Windows Server 2019 in the Europe (Frankfurt) region. We want to downsize it to a t3.xlarge, but this is refused with the following error message: "Failed to modify instance type for instance xxxx. The instance configuration for the AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see the AWS Marketplace site for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems."

I can succesfully change it to a m5.xlarge, so I don't understand why not to a t3.xlarge. I'm doing this from the web interface.

I've looked into different documentation pages about this type of instances but cannot find this limitation.

Any advice would be welcome. I thank you in advance.

asked a year ago244 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer

Is this a server launched from an AMI or from a Marketplace product? If the latter, that could explain the message - Marketplace sellers can put restrictions on the type of instances that can be offered.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago


Greetings of the day!! Thank you for contacting AWS.

I understand that you are trying to change the instance type from t3.2xlarge to t3.xlarge however, you are getting the following error: - "Failed to modify instance type for instance xxxx. The instance configuration for the AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see the AWS Marketplace site for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems."

From the error message, it seems that you are using a AWS Marketplace AMI for the EC2 instance you are facing issue with. Please note that this error message occurs when the required configurations do not meet the resource requirements for that particular AMI.

As some vendors do limit the usage of the AMIs that they are providing on AWS Marketplace, this allows them to ensure that the AMI that they are providing will work. These limitation are as you can see in the error instance types, regions, and operating systems. You can further contact the AMI vendor for more details by referring the marketplace page for that AMI.

In case you wish to have custom analysis on your EC2 instance, we would require details that are non-public information. Thus, I would request you to kindly open a support case with AWS using the following link -

I hope the above information helps.

Have a nice day ahead and stay safe!

answered a year ago

I thank both of you very much for your answers which are very helpful to me.

Yes, this EC2 instance was created from the AWS Marketplace, and I wasn't aware of such restrictions.

I'm going to look into this with the vendor.

Thanks again and have a nice day!

answered a year ago

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