Ec2 instance Windows server 2019 upgrade


I performed a windows server upgrade from server 2012 r2 Standard to server 2019 standard on a EC2 instance type t2 Large and now i am unable to launch / reboot / start the instance as i get the error "The instance 'i-02fxxx' is not in a state from which it can be started". This was an in-place upgrade which suppose to have all files intact and Windows server 2019 Std (desktop experience) installed, during the upgrade the last captured screenshot showed "Applying updates 91% completed" Instance status checks "Instance reachability check failed" ------ logs ---- "2022/06/04 07:32:34Z: Still waiting for meta-data accessibility... 2022/06/04 07:34:24Z: Still waiting for meta-data accessibility..."

any one experienced the same issue here ? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

asked 2 years ago564 views
1 Answer


I'm sorry for the frustration this must have caused.

Please check out these troubleshooting guide that may helps:

Franky Chen

answered 2 years ago

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