EC2 windows server 2012 R2 upgrade to 2019 via SSM


I have upgrade EC2 windows server 2012R2 to 2019 by SSM automation, but the upgrade automation failed I faces this issue :

Failure message Step fails when it is verifying the command has completed. Command be9b3fee-1806-49bc-9862-6bdf01372459 returns unexpected invocation result: {Status=[Failed], ResponseCode=[1], Output=[2023-09-19 18:31:03.790 Error: Upgrade failed with following error 2023-09-19 18:31:03.864 ErrorLevel: -1047526904 ----------ERROR------- failed to run commands: exit status 1], OutputPayload=[{"Status":"Failed","ResponseCode":1,"Output":"2023-09-19 18:31:03.790 Error: Upgrade failed with following error\n2023-09-19 18:31:03.864 ErrorLevel: -1047526904 \n\n----------ERROR-------\nfailed to run commands: exit status 1","CommandId":"be9b3fee-1806-49bc-9862-6bdf01372459"}], CommandId=[be9b3fee-1806-49bc-9862-6bdf01372459]}. Please refer to Automation Service Troubleshooting Guide for more diagnosis details.

Status Failed Output 2023-09-19 18:31:03.790 Error: Upgrade failed with following error 2023-09-19 18:31:03.864 ErrorLevel: -1047526904

----------ERROR------- failed to run commands: exit status 1


{"Status":"Failed","ResponseCode":1,"Output":"2023-09-19 18:31:03.790 Error: Upgrade failed with following error 2023-09-19 18:31:03.864 ErrorLevel: -1047526904

----------ERROR------- failed to run commands: exit status 1","CommandId":"be9b3fee-1806-49bc-9862-6bdf01372459"}

  • Hi, can you please provide more information about this issue:

    • Automation document that was executed
    • Region
    • Automation execution ID
    • Repro steps
  • Hi,

    executionId: cf1bd275-ba7b-4f3e-a198-947af9fb9a92 Execution detail - Step 6: runUpgradeFrom2012R2Or2016

    Region: N.Virginia Action aws:executeAutomation

    Action aws:executeAutomation

    Step fails when it is Execution complete: verified. Failed to run automation with executionId: cf1bd275-ba7b-4f3e-a198-947af9fb9a92 Failed : {Status=[Failed], Output=[No output available yet because the step is not successfully executed, No output available yet because the step is not successfully executed], ExecutionId=[cf1bd275-ba7b-4f3e-a198-947af9fb9a92]}. Please refer to Automation Service Troubleshooting Guide for more diagnosis details.

asked 9 months ago469 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

I see the following error for this execution:

An error occurred (InvalidAMIID.Malformed) when calling the DescribeImages operation: Invalid id: \"{{ createImageServerUpgradeInstance.ImageId }}\" (expecting \"ami-...\")

Please ensure that you have correctly set up this input. You can refer to documentation here:

answered 9 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago

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