Dynamo db streams together with EC2 instance.


Hello Community,

In our setup, we have the application running on EC2 instance, receiving and processing the data over websocket connection. Apart from this, some of the parameters to process the data are stored in dynamo db table. Application has to be upto-date with respect to dynamo db contents in real time. To achieve this, polling dynamo db periodically is not a preferred solution. Receiving dynamo db changes over the dynamo db streams and processing them is the ideal solution. Is it possible to get the dynamo db streams into application running on EC2 instance ? I am not able to find any examples or any information on the same.

Also, would like to know if there is any alternate solution for this setup.


asked 2 years ago251 views
1 Answer

Hi there! Your best bet is to probably add kinesis into the equation.

So DynamoDB Stream -> Kinesis -> EC2 processing kensis shard

The other reason for adding kinesis is records in dynamoDB streams are only persisted for 24 hours. Without putting the data into some other storage or stream you'll lose anything that isn't processed in that window.


answered 2 years ago

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