Create support case to enable MFA


I received an email to enable MFA. I was asked to do three things.

  1. Change root password. I have done this.
  2. Enable MFA. I have done this
  3. Create Support Case to confirm completion of the steps above. However, I do not know hot to do this.

The complete tekst of step 3 is: --- quote --- [IMPORTANT] You must create a new Support Case to confirm completion of the steps above in order to secure your account. You can create a new one by going here: --- unquote --- When I go to the web page I can create a Support Case, but I have to choose from a number of categories and sub-categories, and I have no idea how to proceed.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

asked 8 months ago170 views
1 Answer


Please select the category below and send it to AWS Support.
AWS Support will serve it to the appropriate person even if you choose the wrong category.


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answered 8 months ago

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