Billing KMS problem. I have no keys, yet I'm billed for KMS


I am being billed for KMS when I have no keys.

I have no AWS managed keys I have no user managed keys I have no AWS cloud managed keys I have no external managed keys.

asked 8 months ago258 views
2 Answers

Hi, KMS is a regional resource so there could be keys in other regions. Or if it is certain that there is no key that is being used, you can also raise a support ticket to the Account & billing team from your AWS console. The team will be able to help you on that.

profile pictureAWS
answered 8 months ago

Hi, KMS resources are regional resources. Please check the region in which you are incurring the charges and confirm if there are no resources. Even if you do not have any KMS keys within your account, if any of your resources use shared KMS keys to perform cryptographic operations, you will still be charged for the cryptographic API calls made on the shared KMS key. To check which KMS calls are being called within your account, filter CloudTrail logs using EventSource as ''.

If you are not able to see any KMS calls as well, please reach out to AWS Support so that the team can assist you.

answered a month ago

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