It's been 6 hour and no response on Production system down


They claim to provide support within 1 hour but it's been 6 hours and got no response no one is yet assigned to my ticket. This is so disappointing. My server is down since 1 day and I finally contacted support but they doesn't care about their customers at all.

asked 2 years ago522 views
2 Answers

Hi Nujan,

My name is Sean from Premium Support, and I wanted to take a moment to address your issue today. I see that you posted here to share your frustrations about the lack of timely support for your production-down support case, which has a 1 hour expected response time[1]. In this case, you did not receive a response for over 6 hours.

AWS Support makes every effort to address your problems within the expected response time as defined by the severity of the case. However, unfortunately sometimes we are unable to meet this expectation, and I am sorry to hear that you did not receive the expected response in a timely manner, and that this impacted your trust in the support process.

As it has been some time since you created this post, I hope that your issue has been resolved. Moving forward, if you experience another production down event which requires you to create a case with AWS Premium Support, I would suggest reaching out to us via live chat or phone, in order to work with an engineer in real time. If you have previously created a support case using the email/web option, you can reply to that case with a new contact method like Chat or Phone[2] to re-engage support and receive live assistance.

If you have any further questions, I would be happy to address them here. Have a nice day!


answered 2 years ago

But you have to spend TEN PERCENT of your AWS bill to get phone or chat available - to report a system that is supposed to always work as being down! TEN PERCENT?!?!

answered 6 months ago

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