It's been 2 days and no response on System impaired case


I have a Developer Support plan, they claim to provide support within 12 hour for a System impaired case but it's been 2 days and got no response no one is yet assigned to my ticket. This is so disappointing, it is the second time that we have a behavior like that with a blocking technical issues that cause delays to our deadlines with the top management. Unfortunately it seems that they doesn't care about their customers at all. My cases IDs are: **********

*Edit: Removed case ID — Aimee K.

asked 7 months ago244 views
1 Answer

Hello there,

I'm sorry to hear about the frustration on this. This isn't the experience we want for you.

I was able to take a closer look at this matter on your behalf. Your need for getting this resolved is understandable, which is why I've taken steps to communicate the gravity of your inquiry to our team handling your case.

Here on re:Post, I'm unable to safely speak about account details. To get your concerns directly addressed, please continue to keep an eye on your support case for further updates.

— Aimee K.

answered 7 months ago

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