ERROR_VUE_WIDE_BLOCK while scheduling the exam.


When I am scheduling my cloud practitioner certificate after authorization it will show something went wrong and the show ERROR_VUE_WIDE_BLOCK in URL, How may I schedule the exam.

2 Answers

A web search of your error shows it comes up a lot, not just related to AWS but also for Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, The Open Group, and others

The most common answer appears to be that the account is blocked. To get this removed you need to contact Pearson Vue directly

Unfortunately the AWS re:Post community doesn't have any visibility of your AWS Training and Certification account, and I'm afraid nor can it help with unblocking your account.

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answered 4 months ago

Hello! You need to have aws pearson voucher and then choose a remote schedule. Otherwise contact directly Pearson VUE on

answered 4 months ago
  • After I login to aws certmetrics then when I click on Cloud practitioner exam to schedule then it will show this error. I have no option to choose remote or anything.

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