Cant connect to EC2 instance with FTP client


I recently launched a new t4g.micro instance and I cannot seem to connect to the instance with FileZilla to transfer files. I had a t4g.nano in Canada but I changed to a t4g.micro in Ohio since it better fit what I needed. I was able to connect and transfer files for the first few minutes just fine, but after that I couldn't do anything besides launching a new instance and having the same few minutes to transfer files. I've tried restarting the instance, opening and closing ports and waiting a few hours to see if it would fix itself. Nothing I've tried has worked so far, does anyone know the issue?

  • Are you able to SSH to the instance?

asked 2 years ago2528 views
1 Answer


Could you provide more clarity with your situation? To restate your issue, you cannot connect or do anything after transferring the files. Are you trying to access the files afterward?

Since we don’t have access to your instance or Filezilla configuration, you may want to check the connection log in Filezilla to see if you can find any connection errors occurring [1]. Also, you can check the FTP log on the instance itself to try to identify at what point the connectivity errors are occurring. The FTP logs in the OS of the instance will depend on which version of FTP you are using. For SFTP, check /var/log/secure. For vsftpd, check /var/log/vsftpd.log or /var/log/xferlog. For PureFTPd or ProFTPD, check /var/log/messages.


answered 2 years ago
reviewed 2 years ago

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