Disabling Hyperthreading on an Windows EC2 VM


Hi All,

Have a query about disabling hyperthreading for a Windows Server 2019 server (EC2 instance in AWS).

Do I need to rebuild the server to enable this or can I do this activity without rebuilding ? I meant at OS level.

Thanks Suhas

asked 10 months ago674 views
2 Answers

This post should assist you here https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/compute/disabling-intel-hyper-threading-technology-on-amazon-ec2-windows-instances/

You can only achieve this on specifc EC2 instance types


Today, we are announcing the availability of Optimize CPUs for Amazon EC2 instances. This feature provides customers greater control of their EC2 instances on two fronts. First, customers can specify a custom number of vCPUs when launching new instances to save on vCPU-based licensing costs. Second, they can disable Intel Hyper-Threading Technology (Intel HT Technology) for workloads that perform well with single-threaded CPUs, like certain high-performance computing (HPC) applications.

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answered 10 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 10 months ago

Thank Gary. I had gone through this article. Why I got confused is a response from an AWS support engineer for a support ticket we raised - response from the Engineer states " CPU options can only be specified during instance launch and cannot be modified after launch.". If I do this OS level - is this going to be the right way to fix this?

answered 10 months ago

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