Cloud Quest VPC peering exercise issue -Step 21


I feel I have followed the instructions on the cloudquest game very well but I am having issues, I did it about 5 times and still the same issue..

Please if someone can walk me through it or can we do a zoom link or something so I can show what is going on and can someone help me?

So I am on step 21 but my target pcx-* is not showing up.. .

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asked a year ago407 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Is your PCX in available status or pending acceptance ? If in available state. Is it in same VPC for which you are adding route ? If all correct then just copy paste pcx-xxxx ID in Target section. Sometime its just GUI playing.

If still dont work, then share screenshot of VPC peering configuration

answered a year ago
  • thanks so much.. the issue was that I was typing "pcx" and nothing was showing up but if I type in "pcx-" then it showed.. thanks so much..

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