Cloud Quest VPC peering exercise issue


I feel I have followed the instructions on the cloudquest game very well but I am having issues.

Can someone walk me through it or can we do a zoom link or something so I can show what is going on and can someone help me?

I need help establishing a VPC peering connection. I established it but when I run the ping it will not respond.

  • I am on the connecting VPC's exercise in Cloud Quest. In the DIY exercise it says for us to connect the Finance to Developer VPCS with a peering connection. Unfortunately pictures are not something I can post on this website apparently. But I am happy to email snapshots if need be.

asked 2 years ago698 views
2 Answers


I'm sorry for the frustration this must have caused.

Can you please specify which quest are you having issues? Is there any error message prompted? Kindly provide as much information as possible so we can help you. Screenshots may be helpful too.

Besides, what do you mean "cancel the support service subscription"? You do not have to signed up for a paid AWS premium support in order to post questions on re:Post forum.

Thank you in advance.


answered 2 years ago

You have to add an inbound rule to the Security Group for the FinanceServerSecurityGroup to allow All ICMP - IPv4 for IP and it should work.

answered a year ago

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