Route53 does not forward to my ec2 wordpress


I have hosted Wordpress website on EC2, now i have configured it with Route53 but it does not work. Can you guys please suggest what necessary changes i have to do.

Below is the changes i have done.

  1. Hosted a zone in Route53,
  2. Copy name-server to hostinger name-server (from where i purchased my domain)
  3. created a record with ec2 ip (where my wordpress site is hosted)
  4. changes in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf, added ServerName
  5.                                                                                                               ServerAlias
  • Hi Faisal, you have not given enough information here for us to help you troubleshoot this. Can you provide at least your actual domain name?

  • Hi Max, Firstly thank you. Actually the problem was in my Laptop DNS settings. I have configured it and now it works fine.

asked 2 months ago163 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

If you did the step 3 well, you will be able to check the ec2 ip for using the below linux command. If not, please recheck step 1~3. how is the result?

$ dig <route 53 record>

The below knowledge will help you, which records are needed in this situation.

answered 2 months ago
profile picture
reviewed 2 months ago
  • Hi Peer, Actually the problem was in my Laptop DNS settings. I have configured it and now it works fine. Thank you for this assistance.

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