Cannot connect to MySQL db



I'm trying to access my new MySQL database using my Linux ubuntu command line prompt and can't guess why i get an error message: -trying to connect with command lines (or workbench client): mysql -h -P 3306 -u cryptoboss -p -My db is public as recomended -It's a t3 micro db, the 'free' version -Security group rules are the ones set by default, i haven't authorized my laptop public IP address but default settings look quite permissive. -Am i forced to connect via SSL internet secured connection? It does not seem i need to.

What else should i investigate?

Many thanks

2 Answers


What specific error message are you getting?
If a timeout error occurs, please configure the RDS security group inbound rules to allow the EC2 security group.

Also, if you have not changed any settings, the SSL option should not be necessary.

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answered 8 months ago

thank you it works now.

WIthout proper knowledge it's not that intuitive but i've been setting entry rules with ALL trafic > ALL ipv4 > source /0

Now i eventually have access and i can proceed with designing my db.

Took me so long to figure it out ;=)

Kind regards

answered 8 months ago

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