AWS Elasticsearch in VPC - how do we upload data or send a POST request from outside of VPC.


Kibana dashboard is accessible via nginx proxy. How do we push data from an app directly to the ES ? I couldn't sign the http request with AWS credentials nor with EC2 instance profile of the nginx server. Still times out as it is in a VPC. Second - Do we need to do VPC peering with the EKS cluster, if the app runs in EKS kubernetes cluster in order to push data to ES, which is in it's own VPC ?

1 Answer

If your cluster is accessible from outside the VPC using a NGINX proxy, why not configure the proxy to allow POST requests as well?

If your app is in another VPC then VPC peering may be the answer.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Yes, we did VPC peering. nginx proxy for ES cluster and kibana dashboard works but it takes to the root and I couldn't upload any data until VPC peering was done. Not sure if I was missing something.

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