No AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification Credly Badge


I have recently passed my AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification exam (30th of January 2024), but have not received the Credly badge, I have reached out to support 5/6 times but have heard nothing back, no email correspondence, nothing - completely silent. I have also spoken to Credly support but they said that only AWS has the ability to issue or update badges.

I have not received an email from, my emails on both my Credly account and AWS certification account are correct and up to date.

My Credly account is not a new account, I have received other certifications on my Credly account from AWS before and Tableau before that.

Can you guys please help me to identify the issue that is not allowing me to receive the badge properly ?

Best, Kiitan

asked 4 months ago172 views
1 Answer

Hi Kiitan,

The best solution is to contact AWS Training and Certification via this page:

Provide them will all personal details incl. date of exam, etc. and they will fix the issue for you.

This team is not supposed to monitor this community site.

Congrats on the certif!


profile pictureAWS
answered 4 months ago
  • Hi Didier,

    Thank you!

    Yes, the issue is I have reached out to AWS support on multiple occasions and have heard nothing back at all and there is no phone number or any other way for me to contact them hence why I am asking on this forum, I don't know what else to do.


  • Hi Kiitan, I didn't say Support for AWS services: use the form in my link to reach Certification team more directly. Also, go to the company with which you passed: they may help. Good luck! Didier

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