Cloud Practitioner Certification reschedule because technical problems


Hi! I recently had a problem when trying to do my certification exam and I'd like to know if someone else had a problem when taking a photo of their IDs with the check-in page of Person VUE. It happens that today I had scheduled my AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification and at the moment of the check-in after I took the photo my ID, the proctor told me my ID was not clear. So I retook it and was still blurry but that just happened with their check-in page, not with my native camera. I was neither able to focus the part that was blurry and for that reason, my exam was cancelled and I'm looking forward to know if I can reschedule it without having to pay extra fees (accordingly to Person VUE customer service it was my fault just to have one ID and also because of my "faulty" device).

It's really frustrating and I'd like to know what can I do and if someone had a similar situation. The problem it's that I invested part of my savings to achieve this and it's a shame to loose it.

Thanks in advance for your help!

asked 7 months ago231 views
2 Answers


Since re:Post is a community forum site, we cannot provide refunds for AWS exams.
Therefore, it may be a good idea to contact Pearson VUE from the URL below.

Also, although there is no guarantee that they will respond, it may be a good idea to consult with us about the issues you are facing using the inquiry form regarding the AWS certification exam below.

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answered 7 months ago
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reviewed 7 months ago
  • Hi! I already talked with them at they just said NO. I contacted Amazon Customer Service but they told me I have to contact Person VUE and wait five days if I didn't get any response. It's frustrating because I need this certificate before the end of the month.

    Thanks for your prompt response.

  • I hope AWS or Pearson VUE will support this. Good luck on your AWS exam.



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Best regards,

answered 4 months ago

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