Using Route 53 Domain with Squarespace



I am trying to use a new Squarespace website with my existing Route 53 Domain. It's been a week and still not connecting and Squarespace has zero experience with Route 53. They tell me all the info i entered is correct but today they asked my to add a text record to verify ownership. A few questions, does anyone have a screenshot of what the DNS records in Route 53 should look like? They provided four A records which can only be entered in Route 53 as one entry, is this correct? My previous website was an EC2 instance, lightsail and it worked immediately. Thanks for your help in advance.

asked a year ago2124 views
3 Answers

So the A records look correct, the only CNAME they want me to list is, www


You are stating this will not work? Should I delete it and have no CNAME records and only the text. this is the record, CNAME Simple - No 300

answered a year ago
  • I updated my answer with a response to this


I only have a few screenshots I can share, but I might be able to help with some info.

In Route 53, if you have multiple items with the same record name and type, they will be shown together. That is not a problem. You can often enter them as separate records or with multiple in the textbox. I have screenshots of creating records below:

Creating A records in Route 53 with four IP addresses entered in the Value textbox

Creating two A records in Route 53 with one IP address entered in each Value textbox

It looks like Squarespace tries to verify things with CNAME entries first and then fallsback to TXT records. I don't have a Squarespace account so I don't know the details about what things look like but here are a few tips:

  • If they provide you a full domain for the record name, for example, only enter the part before your domain name in the record name box in Route53.
  • If you are trying to setup a CNAME record on the root of your domain, for example a CNAME record on YOURDOMAIN.COM to, it will not work. AWS does not support this
  • You probably need to keep the Routing Policy set to simple for anything relating to validating your Squarespace account

You can find more information about DNS record types AWS supports on their documentation page

---- EDIT


Yes, if they are telling you to add a CNAME record to on www then you will add www as the record name, CNAME as the record type, put as the value, and leave all other default settings.

profile picture
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your help. It appears I have everything correct and it's still not working. Last option is to transfer domain or don't use squarespace.


Hello, I am facing the same problem. everything I entered in AWS records is correct Removed @ in A record also removed but on refreshing records in in squarespace somain setting everything shows in current data is red and some have error messages Record not found. If anyone knows About this please help. Any help will be highly appreciated.

answered 6 months ago

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