FTP to S3 bucket


What is the best way to transfer files from FTP to an S3 bucket

preguntada hace 10 meses2591 visualizaciones
3 Respuestas

Hello, thank you for your question. Could you share more details about your use case so we can better assist you? You can use an AWS Transfer Family FTP-enabled server upload and download data to and from S3. More details about creating an FTP-enabled server can be found here.

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revisado hace 10 meses

I would like to download ~1TB to an S3 bucket from a public data depository. One option is through FTP although there is an option to use Globus

respondido hace 10 meses

You can put SFTP or FTPS in front of the bucket using AWS Transfer Family. Note that if the source is initiating a connection over the internet to a public endpoint (which appears to be the case here) then plain FTP cannot be used, only SFTP or FTPS https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/aws-sftp-endpoint-type

Uploading 1TB will take a long time (at a sustained 100Mbps it will take about a day).

Away from (S)FTP if you are aiming to upload a relatively small number of very large files, S3 multipart upload may be more suitable https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/mpuoverview.html

There is a useful knowledge document about using multipart upload here https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/s3-multipart-upload-cli

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