Please install/whitelist Messages app "" on these device


Dear Amazon team,

We cannot start standard Apple Messages app in our XCTest tests on these devices:
iPhone XR, iOS 12
iPhone 8 Plus, iOS 12.1

Please whitelist/install Messages app on these devices so we can successfully run our tests. Use case we need for universal links testing is to open Messages app, paste a universal link in a new chat there then tap on the link to go back to the app - this isn't possible for two devices above since there isn't Messages app on them but it does work nicely on other devices.

Failing runs:

For failing devices we see in test log that test fails as soon as we try to start Messages app programmatically but we would expect that test execution continues normally. Log contains:
t = 247.89s Open
t = 247.91s Launch
t = 248.11s Tear Down

Thank you very much for the support.

Kind Regards,

demandé il y a 5 ans507 vues
2 réponses

Hi Dragan,
Sorry for the inconvenience. For security considerations we're blocking Messages app. Would using browsers such as Safari, or other messaging apps such as WhatsApp help in your use cases?


répondu il y a 5 ans

Thank you for the answer. We are fine for now since we go with workaround in the app to avoid our tests failing.

répondu il y a 5 ans

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