Calculate RDS Monthly Costs


We have a few RDS instances running in the cloud. We need to estimate the monthly bill for each instance.

Would Cost explorer show the monthly cost per machine or can we use RDS calculator and enter the RDS specs to see the total monthly cost?

3 réponses
Réponse acceptée

Hi there.

Cost explorer will not show you costs broken down per instance or for a single instance. You should use the AWS Pricing Calculator to get an estimate of what your RDS instance will cost.

I hope this helps.

profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 10 mois

Cost allocation tags would be helpful.
This function allows you to sort rates by resource tag.

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répondu il y a 10 mois
profile pictureAWS
vérifié il y a 10 mois
  • I dont think they used cost tags for these machines.

  • Hi, agreed with Riku: tags can be useful to determine costs of existing instances. So, if your goal is to reallocate those costs to various distinct budgets, it is the right approach.



You may want to distinguish more precisely what you mean by "calculate":

  • a posteriori, know precisely the costs of existing instances to dispatch them to distinct budgets. Then, Riku's answer with tags is the way to go
  • a priori, estimate closely the costs of new instances to be create, then AWS Pricing calculator is the way to go: see

This video is a good intro to Pricing Calculator:



profile pictureAWS
répondu il y a 10 mois
  • As I said the existing instances do not have cost tags. Can the Cost Explorer show you monthly costs breakdown by machine or not? Why cant I use the calculator to estimate costs? Is it because pricing might have changed when machine was created and now. I would think AWS increase pricing to match what the new estimate would be.

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