Emails are suddenly going to spam..??


I've been using Sendy with AWS SES for a few months now without problem. Suddenly today my test emails that I'm sending to myself before launching a campaign are going to my Gmail spam, when I never had this problem before.

All my domain verification is still good in AWS.

This email is the same body that we've sent before and this did not happen.

I have checked MX blacklist checkers, and our domain/IP is not on there (although, that IP is not AWS, but rather my web server, so may not be relevant.)

I can't figure out why this would suddenly be happening. Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

posta 3 anni fa2361 visualizzazioni
2 Risposte

Hi angelleye@

I understand that you use AWS SES to send emails, however suddenly the emails started landing in spam folder.

Please note that Amazon SES is an email relay service, that is, it accepts the message from sender ISP, processes it and attempts to deliver email messages to the recipient's mail server (ISP) until the ISP accepts the message and sends a 250 OK response. If Amazon SES is unable to deliver your email, it returns an error message similar to the following:

"550 4.4.7 Message expired: unable to deliver in 840 minutes."

If the ISP accepts the email and sends a 250 OK response, then the ISP decides whether the email is categorized as spam and determines the overall mailbox placement. If the ISP flags the email message as spam, then the email might be placed in the recipient's spam or junk folder.

From SES end, I would recommend you to follow all SES sending best practices to improve email deliverability. There can be several factors due to which an email can land in spam. As you mentioned that the same email body was previously delivered to inbox so I am suspecting that you are sending good quality emails. However, you can improve email deliverability by authenticating your emails in SES by using SPF, DKIM and DMARC so that email authentication passes.

I would also suggest you to make sure that you maintain a very low bounce and complaint rate.

Please refer the below given documents:

  1. to understand SES best practices :
  2. Why an email can land in spam:

Additionally, I would also suggest you to reach out to postmaster of Recipient ISP (gmail) to understand why they are marking your emails as spam.

Please let us know if you have further queries or concerns.


con risposta 3 anni fa

Hi Angelleye

Have you tried ?

Also... on the email marked as "spam" in Gmail, click on "show original" and see if there's a reason for SPAM. Also see other headers in the email

con risposta 3 anni fa

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