AWS MediaLive channel vs. Amazon Interactive Video Services channel


Looking at the Amazon MediaLive info it shows: "billed at their corresponding rates for as long as the channel is running. Costs are incurred even if the inputs are not receiving any content while the channel is running". Does Amazon Interactive Video Services also have that cost of "even if the inputs are not receiving any content while the channel is running"?

質問済み 9ヶ月前321ビュー

I see what you are asking. When talking about IVS, don't think of the channels as "running" by default, after they've been created. The channel is running, or live, when your contributing device is sending an RTMPS stream to the ingest endpoint, which is authenticated using the stream key generated for the channel. When you are broadcasting and live streamed video is being ingested by IVS, then you will accrue charges for Input. If your channel is not live - no charges.

Check out this guide Getting Started with IVS Low-Latency Streaming. IVS is very easy to set up and get a channel started in minutes. Try live streaming some video using Free Tier access, and you will see what I mean.

回答済み 9ヶ月前

Hello ChrisJ,

In answer to your question about IVS-yes, as long as an IVS channel is live streaming video into IVS, there will be charges for the amount of video ingested (Input). The other side of the equation (Output) is that you would also be charged based on how many viewers watch the content you live streamed. But, there are many variables involved. I would suggest you take a look at the IVS pricing page and you can see the costs and how they are calculated. Scroll to the bottom, and you can see various pricing examples that may resemble the scenario you have in mind.

You may also use the AWS Pricing Calculator to get an idea of costs for AWS services.

I hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have additional questions.

回答済み 9ヶ月前
  • Thanks for your reply. Maybe my question wasn't clear. I understand "as long as an IVS channel is live streaming video into IVS", but this is what I'm asking about "even if the inputs are not receiving any content while the channel is running" is there a cost (like it appears there is for MediaLive)?

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