Communication between Greengrass Telemetry data and Cloud watch


I was followed the article below to get the Telemetry data for the Greengrass component and tried to Link the metric data to Cloud watch in sequentially manner.

link1: link2 :

I have cover the following steps, As mentioned in these articles. Now I need to pass the metric data's to the Cloud watch in sequential manner and display the data there.

Shall any one can help me out on, What should I need to do next to achieve that!!

  • Hi,

    Thank you for reaching out can you please elaborate which part of the documentation are you referring? Unfortunately, I have not understood your query properly on what’s missing. Kindly elaborate your use case details and steps you followed so far so we could help you on your concerns .

  • With the help of link 1, I have got the local telemetry data on MQTT client of Greengrass. Now I need to share these telemetry data to cloudwatch and need to display the metrics as a dashboard.

    Link 2 article was based on manual operation of creating the metric in cloudwatch and add up the values.

    What I required was to, Make the telemetry data to displayed on cloudwatch dashboard.

  • Hi, could you elaborate what you mean by this. - I have got the local telemetry data on MQTT client of Greengrass. Now I need to share these telemetry data to cloudwatch and need to display the metrics as a dashboard.

    Does this mean you have the data on the Greengrass device locally and need it to be uploaded to cloud or does it mean you have MQTT messages in the cloud already being sent from the device and you want to ingest that into CloudWatch from there?

1개 답변


Geovanni here from AWS Premium Support. I understand you wish to publish system health telemetry data and publish to your CloudWatch metrics using AWS Provided Components.

Currently it is not possible to tie the metrics generated from Nucleus telemetry emitter into the CloudWatch metrics due to a few reasons:

  1. The emitter component generates messages as binary message (though they json compliant when decoded) which the CloudWatch messages does not support as it is built to accept messages as json.
  2. The emitter component does not publish the messages in a format that the CloudWatch component accepts. You can view this directly at [1] vs what CloudWatch accepts [2].

If you wish to proceed you will have to develop your own custom component [3] to act as a middleman transforming the inputs from the emitter and publishing them on the topic the CloudWatch metric component is subscribed to or sending them directly to Cloudwatch within your custom component using the PutMetricData api [4].


[1] Nucleus telemetry emitter - Output data -
[2] CloudWatch metrics - Input data -
[3] Publish/subscribe local messages -
[4] PutMetricData -

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