Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Name lenght restrictions



I have an alarm with 100 character name lenght and I have to send It throught AWS SNS service.

The problem is that I don't recibe the full name of the alarm in the SMS message. I just recibe 80 characters.

Documentations says that an alarm name can be 255 characters lenght.

Thank's for your help.

질문됨 일 년 전672회 조회
1개 답변

There are two parts in your question, first is cloudwatch alarm name limit, which is 255 characters. Second is SNS, which is 160 characters.

When cloudwatch alarm gets into alarm state and send trigger to sns, there SNS character limit comes in to the play. There is a limit of 160 characters per message and your message might be getting split into two parts(1/2, 2/2 80 characters each), but one single message can only have 160 characters.

Here is the SNS Documentation, which you can refer.

Attaching snapshot for your quick reference.

Enter image description here

Hope you find this useful.


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