Amazon Linux 2023 new release - never happens.


When I login to one of my Amazon Linux 2023 (Lightsail) instances, I see this:

A newer release of "Amazon Linux" is available.
  Version 2023.1.20230825:
Run "/usr/bin/dnf check-release-update" for full release and version update info

Running that gives:

  A newer release of "Amazon Linux" is available.

  Available Versions:

  Version 2023.1.20230825:
    Run the following command to upgrade to 2023.1.20230825:

      dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.1.20230825

    Release notes:

Running the uograde:

# dnf upgrade --releasever=2023.1.20230825
ookla_speedtest-cli                                              4.6 kB/s | 951  B     00:00    
ookla_speedtest-cli-source                                       4.5 kB/s | 951  B     00:00    
Dependencies resolved.
Nothing to do.

Suggestions on fixing this???

EDIT: Just in case, I removed the speedtest repo and did a dnf clean all - no difference.

asked 9 months ago760 views
1 Answer

Well, I did get an answer. Seems that the upgrade doesn't reset the MOTD - that requires running a command manually or a reboot. There is a bug report open on this now.

answered 9 months ago

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