Pearson Vue Revoked my AWS CertifiedCloud Practitioner exam for moving front and back in my chair.


I had a horrible experience while taking this exam with Pearson Vue. I was not going out of the screen at any moment, My test recording is the best proof of that. I accept I was moving front and back in my chair doping this doesn't take me out of their proctor screen. But this is a silly reason to revoke, It's quite hard to sit like a statue while taking an exam sitting in the chair in this summer season. I really request someone to help me with this issue of how to overcome it. As it was my first AWS exam, I was helpless in this regard. I request someone from AWS to look into this issue and assist me here, It would really be very helpful.

asked a year ago378 views
3 Answers

Please email if you have any questions over your exam.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

answered a year ago

I am sorry you are having issues logging into Skill Builder! Please use to reach the team that can help with your account issues. For phone support in U.S. and Canada: 1-800-388-5512 and 1-800-383-9484 For International phone support: (charges may apply) 1-206-577-1364.

answered a year ago

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