Troubleshooting AWS Account Removal from Organization Unit


Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm currently in the process of removing an AWS account from our organization unit and I've encountered a little hiccup that I could use some assistance with.

Here's the situation: I've added the necessary payment information, but now I'm running into an error message - ConstraintViolationException. It seems I cannot proceed with the removal because the account owner has not completed the phone pin verification.

I'd appreciate any insights or advice on how to resolve this. Has anyone encountered a similar issue before? Your expertise would be immensely helpful.

Thanks in advance for your assistance!

已提问 8 个月前246 查看次数
2 回答


The account owner will need to complete the phone PIN verification. The account owner should log in to the AWS Management Console.

  • Navigate to the "My Account" page.
  • Under "IAM User and Access", click on "Phone PIN".
  • Follow the instructions to complete the phone verification.

Cheks do you not have a SCP that blocks the organization:LeaveOrganization action, that will hinder account deletion?

You cannot remove or leave an organization with the root (management) account of an AWS Organization.

Best regards, Andrii

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已回答 8 个月前
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已审核 19 天前

I've solved this issue with AWS Support because another issue came up.

已回答 8 个月前

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