Add .monster TLD to Route53 registrar


We want transfer a we have to Route53 so we can renew all our domains in the same place.

Could you add .monster tld to the list of tlds when we want to register a new one.

I known we can use the AWS NSes in the other registrar and manager the domain in route 53 in the hosted zone, but we just want to also have it registered under route53 instead of the other vender.


已提问 1 年前304 查看次数
1 回答

Hello, I understand that you wanted to transfer the domains with ".monster ” TLD to Amazon Route53 Registrar. However, you are unable to do so since “.monster” TLD is not supported by Route53.

As Amazon Route53 currently doesn’t support “.monster” TLD, you wanted our service team to add this TLD in the existing Route53 TLDs list.

Unfortunately at this point of time, TLD “.monster” is not yet supported by Amazon Route 53. Our apologies for the inconvenience caused here.

As you are already aware, for the unsupported TLDs, you can use Route 53 as the DNS service for those domains even if the TLD for the domain isn't included in Route 53.

I've submitted the request to Route53 team to let them know that there is a customer demand for this feature. ‘With that said, I would also like to mention that the AWS Service Team use these feature requests in conjunction with other avenues of customer feedback and requests to plan and prioritize the features that they deliver. It is due to this reason that unfortunately at this time - there is no exact ETA from the Support side that can be provide to you. However, all of our new Announcements and Feature Enhancements can be found in our What’s New page - Hence, I would request you to please keep an eye on this page.’


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