Pinpoint SMS OTP: Amount of retries



I use SMS OTP in my application which works fine. But if a customer gets a SMS and have to input the code within our application I struggle how to detect the amount of retries. (Of course I can do this on client side)

So if I set AllowedAttempts = 3 and send 10 times the same wrong code I do not know how many attempts are left nor that the maximal number of attempts are exceeded. This feels like a bug for me.

         "date":"Sat, 23 Jul 2022 15:19:28 GMT",
         "x-cache":"Miss from cloudfront",
         "via":" (CloudFront)",

Why is "RetryAttempts":0 not changing? It is always 0? The Valid field is changing to true if I send within 3 attempts the correct code otherwise it stays allways false.

Any idea what is going on here?

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