How do I backup my Macbook onto my S3 storage account?


Hello, I am a basic user of Amazon S3. I do know what a "bucket" is and how to use the privacy settings. But that's it. I prefer not to know the advanced uses of it. I won't be using it for anything other than personal use.

What are the steps to backup my MacBook (which the file size is about 600 GB) to my Amazon S3 account? I could just pay Apple for one of their backup plans, but I already have an Amazon S3 account (and it seems more secure and cheaper). So why not use S3?

I might backup my computer twice monthly. I would like a simple process, but not have to buy a 3rd party software/plugin to do it.

Any helpful link to a help file with steps, or advice is much appreciated.


已提问 1 年前2275 查看次数
3 回答
  1. Download and install AWS CLI
  2. Create a bucket, say 'my-laptop-backup'
  3. Create an IAM User that has permissions to objects in that bucket
  4. Create access keys for the IAM user and install them on your laptop via 'aws configure'
  5. Twice a month run this command:
aws s3 sync . s3://my-laptop-backup --delete
profile pictureAWS
已回答 1 年前

I'm afraid I'm stuck. I followed all the steps as best I could, but was only 30% confident that I was doing them right. All of the help files are beyond my understanding.

Some of the errors I got along the way.

This one when I tried to configure the access keys... aws: error: argument command: Invalid choice, valid choices are:

accessanalyzer | account
acm | acm-pca
alexaforbusiness | amp

and then this one when I tried to run your backup command.

warning: Skipping file /Users/toddmccarty/.Trash. File/Directory is not readable. fatal error: Unable to locate credentials

I think it would take a professional to set this up on my machine. I thank you for your time, but the $9.99 p/month from Apple is sounding much better now, haha.

I wish Amazon had a simple cloud backup product. It's surprising that they don't get into the mass market like Apple and Google. Are you positive one doesn't exist?


已回答 1 年前
  • When you install the access keys, run 'aws configure'. It will prompt you for the values. Once that is setup correctly, you can run something like 'aws s3 ls' to list your buckets.

  • I have not checked, but I suspect there are many third party vendors that offer backup solutions and use S3 as the offsite storage. But then you are back to paying for and installing additional software.


Thanks again for trying to help. I wonder if instead of trying to automate it, I could just do a direct upload of my entire hard drive to my Amazon S3 bucket? I might give that a try in the meantime. If it works, I could just set myself a reminder twice a month to do it.


已回答 1 年前

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