AWS Market Place


Quick question on paid AMI from AWS Market Place,

do I get charged for the subscription even if I stopped my EC2 Instance that runs the subscribed AMI and/or terminated my EC2 Instance? (I know how to terminate subscription all I want to know is the AMI owner charges for stopped and terminated EC2 Instnces)

Thank you.

1개 답변
수락된 답변

The charges associated with Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and the software licenses they may include are typically independent of the running state of the associated EC2 instances. When you subscribe to an AMI with a specific software license, you usually pay for the subscription regardless of whether the associated EC2 instances are running, stopped, or terminated.

Here are some key points to consider:

AMI Subscription Charges: AMI subscription charges are usually based on a periodic fee (e.g., hourly or monthly) and are associated with the usage of the AMI regardless of the state of the associated EC2 instances.

Stopped Instances: When you stop an EC2 instance, you are no longer billed for the compute capacity (EC2 instance hours), but you continue to incur charges for any associated AMI subscriptions, including software license fees.

Terminated Instances: When you terminate an EC2 instance, you stop incurring charges for the compute capacity, but again, you may still incur charges for any associated AMI subscriptions.

Check AMI and Subscription Details: It's essential to review the documentation and subscription terms associated with the specific AMI you are using. This information should provide details about the pricing structure, including whether charges are incurred while the associated EC2 instances are stopped or terminated.

Always check the AWS Marketplace listing or contact the AMI provider to understand the specific pricing and licensing terms associated with the AMI you're using. This ensures that you have accurate information about any charges that may apply in different scenarios, such as when EC2 instances are stopped or terminated.

답변함 7달 전
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검토됨 7달 전
  • Thank you for the detailed response.

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